Co-sponsor, First Balkan Horn Meeting, Corfu, Greece

August 17, 2022

On August 17-20, 2022, HICD-USA was a proud co-sponsor of the first Balkan Horn Meeting, providing, through the creative efforts of our designer Kostas Stephanopoulos of GdDesign, the logo design and promotional items.

The 4-day event organized by Kostas Siskos and Maria Fotia of GrBrassMutes and co-organized by the Corfu Philharmonic Kapodistrias, and Koras Horn Ensemble brought together musicians from Greece and throughout the Balkans for four days of workshops and concerts. This ambitious and successful effort culminated in a concert under the baton on Maestro Andreas Pylarinos, and included composer Savvss Tsiligiridis' "Invocation 715ii."

Description of 4-day event in both Greek and English.
Description of 4-day event in both Greek and English.
Co-sponsor, First Balkan Horn Meeting, Corfu, Greece

Co-sponsor, First Balkan Horn Meeting, Corfu, Greece

Co-sponsor, First Balkan Horn Meeting, Corfu, Greece

Co-sponsor, First Balkan Horn Meeting, Corfu, Greece

Snapshots from the 4-day workshops.

Final Concert
Final Concert
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